"Ku mengharapkn Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dpt kulalui dgn sempurna
Selangkah demi selangkah
Setahun sudahpun berlalu
Hingga x terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula"
Selamat Berpuasa everyone..!
Puasa² gak tp kesihatan kene jaga,
penting sgt utk kita tau!
Ramadhan is a time of worship, but physical ailments can sometimes cause us to lose our spiritual focus. Here is some useful advice on how to avoid common problems that occur during Ramadhan.
Ramadhan Diet...
Ur diet should not differ very much from ur normal diet & should be as simple as possible. The ideal diet should maintain ur normal weight, neither decreasing nor increasing it during the month. However, if u r overweight, Ramadhan is an ideal time to lose weight.
To prepare for a long day of fasting, slow-digesting foods (last between 8 and12 hours) & foods with lots of fibre r better than fast-digesting foods (last only for 2 to 4 hours).
- Slow-digesting foods contain grains and seeds. eg. barley, wheat, oats, beans, whole meal flour, whole meal pasta, unpolished rice. They are also known as complex carbohydrates
- Fibrous foods contain bran, eg. cereals; whole wheat @ whole meal flour, grains and seeds, such as beans and lentils, vegetables such as green beans, peas which are rich in iron, fruit with skin, dried fruit, especially dates, dried apricots, prunes, nuts.
- Fast-digesting foods contain refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white flour, white rice, white pasta, etc.
The ideal diet is well-balanced, containing foods from each food group – fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken or fish, bread, cereals and dairy products.
What to Eat- Eating complex carbohydrates for suhur will help u fast without feeling too hungry. Exp. of complex carbohydrates are muesli, bran-rich cereals, whole meal @ brown bread, beans, etc.
- Soups can be an excellent source of slow-burning food and protein, especially if made from barley & wheat
- Dates r an excellent source of sugar, fibre, carbohydrates, potassium & magnesium
- Almonds r rich in protein & fibre & r not fatty. Ground almonds & milk make a healthy drink
- Bananas r a good source of carbohydrates, potassium & magnesium
- Eat oven-grilled samosas rather than fried samosas.
What to Drink
Drink as much water @ fruit juices as possible between iftar & bedtime so that ur body can adjust fluid levels for the next day.
What to Avoid
- Fried & fatty foods should b avoided, they cause indigestion, heartburn, weight problems & blood circulation problems
- Spicy foods & sauces
- Foods containing too much sugar & refined carbohydrates
- Overeating at suhur & iftar
- Caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, etc.
- Smoking
dlm byk2...
lirik lagu 2 je yg i ske tgk..
berulang2 yer...
psl diet 2...
"akan dipertimbangkan"...
ko x payah laa diet...lagipun ko mmg x patut diet..haha!!
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