Tuesday 26 August 2008

Wall-E is a fun movie

Hello guys!! The holiday has come to its ends. So, hopefully you guys enjoyed your holidays. I believe each of us has done something during the holidays. As for me went back to my hometown, it could release all my stressed. Last Tuesday, I went to cinema and watched Wall-E. I would like to suggest all of you guys, going and watching it. Basically the movie is about a robot named Wall-E (stand for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class). He is the lonely robot who lives on earth with a pet which is cockroach. One day, he met a sleek search robot named Eve. She is on earth with one mission which is to find living creature and finally she found a plant. Then, she was going back to galaxy to hand in the plant to her captain. However, Wall-E has chasing her and followed her journey to the galaxy. In galaxy, so many things happened before they could go back to Earth. Finally, everyone who lives on the galaxy returned to the earth. Moral of this movie love our earth and do recycle waste. Or else our earth will be like the scenario that been portrayed in Wall-E. It was an interesting story although it is animation. I suggest you guys go and watch it. You guys will have fun. Chiow.


Class PRO 622 said...

i will watch it..
but the laters satruday i had watch Death Race movie..
it also a best movie for me..
so, u too have to watch it..

p: comment aku lak..